AFSA Forms

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Form type

Form 8 - proof of debt (POD). A form for creditors for detailing debts and supporting information.

Money back claim regarding a previous or current bankruptcy, personal insolvency agreement or debt agreement.

To send us a compliment or complaint about your registered trustee (RT), official trustee (OT), debt agreement administrator (DAA) or AFSA complete this form.

A tip-off can relate to a suspected wrongdoing, criminal misconduct, dishonesty or fraud, and informs us in a confidential way.

If you want to confirm someone is bankrupt, ask them for the trustee's details and AFSA administration number.

If someone owes you money and they're bankrupt, it's important to include your debt and keep your information updated.

Form 7 - statement of claim. To enable the trustee to assess your ability to vote and the value of your vote you need to complete this form.

Form 36 - appointment of proxy. Complete this form if you wish to appoint a proxy to vote at a meeting of creditors and provide it to the trustee.

Public document search form. Request to inspect a public document that is held by us.

You can submit a referral if you believe an offence may have been committed against the Bankruptcy Act 1966 or the PPSR Act 2009.

Complete this form if you would like to apply for compensation for Detriment Caused by Defective Administration Scheme (CDDA Scheme). 

Form 28 - application for review of trustee remuneration. Debtors and creditors can use this form to apply for a review of a trustee’s remuneration.

Form 12 - trustee consent to act declaration. A form for trustees to consent to act as sole, joint and joint & several trustees.

Form to assent or dissent to composition proposal in bankruptcy.