PPSR quarterly statistics

We publish quarterly statistics on the operation of the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR).

On this page

Snapshot of the PPSR (Personal Property Securities Register) activities during the March Quarter of 2024. The image encompasses both registration and search details. A concise overview of the data can be found in the attached media release. For an in-depth analysis, consult the available workbooks on the PPSR Quarterly Statistics page

Download the data

This zip file contains the full set of quarterly PPSR statistics. Associated commentary and charts are drawn exclusively from this data set. Individual links to all tables packaged in the zip file are provided on this page.

Full data set:

Media release

You can read our commentary for this quarter in our media release.

Full report

For the full report, see Report: PPSR quarterly statistics tables.

Further information

For further information, please read the Guide to the PPSR statistics.

Time series

The time series for the PPSR quarterly statistics is available in CSV format.

*Note: from 1 July 2015, only account users are able to create registrations on the PPSR. The CSV file has been revised to reflect this change, starting with the September quarter 2015 release.