What we do

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We manage the application of bankruptcy and personal property securities laws through the delivery of high-quality personal insolvency and trustee, regulation and enforcement, and personal property securities services.

Regulatory Operations Group

AFSA Regulatory Operations Group organisational structure

Trustee services

  • Provide practical information about options to deal with unmanageable debt.
  • Assess and register bankruptcy, debt agreement and personal insolvency applications from debtors and court-ordered insolvency administrations.
  • Issue bankruptcy notices on the application of creditors.
  • Exercise statutory powers of the Official Receiver to obtain information and recover monies on the application of trustees administering insolvent estates.
  • Act as trustee for personal insolvency administrations.
  • Act as trustee pursuant to court orders, particularly under the Proceeds of Crime legislation.
  • Act as special trustee for government.
  • Preserve the security and integrity of a large volume of personal insolvency records.

Enforcement and Practitioner Surveillance

  • Regulate personal insolvency practitioners.
  • Investigate alleged Bankruptcy Act and Personal Property Securities Act (PPS Act) offences and where appropriate refer for prosecution.

Personal property securities

  • Make administrative decisions to resolve disputes between secured parties and grantors.
  • Exercise discretion in response to applications made under the PPS Act.
  • Provide sector specific information to assist users to effectively use the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR).
  • Preserve the security and integrity of a large volume of economically significant registration data.