Have your say

Have your say is a platform for AFSA to test ideas, get feedback and invite users to help shape our services and information.
Register to be notified of any new consultations.

On this page

What is have your say?

At AFSA, we are dedicated to providing public value and ensuring that our services are straightforward, transparent, and efficient. "Have Your Say" is our platform where we invite users to offer feedback and collaborate in designing services that best align with their requirements.

Have Your Say: Testing Ground for Innovation

"Have Your Say" is a space where we can get feedback on our services and test our new ideas with real people. Designing client-centric services and prototyping new ideas with real people is essential in delivering better government services. At AFSA, we are committed to delivering public value and want to make sure we are designing services that are simple, clear, and fast.

We want our clients to help shape our designs and make sure we are designing future-ready services.

These services encompass various programs administered by AFSA, including:

  • Initiatives aimed at enhancing financial literacy for individuals grappling with debt.
  • Customizing resources to assist individuals in making well-informed financial decisions regarding personal insolvency options.
  • Enhancing the digital interface to cater to users of all abilities.
  • Engaging in consultations with insolvency practitioners, such as registered trustees and administrators of debt agreements, to enhance our regulatory services.
  • Educating consumers and small businesses on leveraging the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) for their protection.

How to access have your say

If you wish to review our current and past consultations, please visit:

Have your say

Get involved

You can actively participate in any ongoing consultations on "Have Your Say" at any time. Your input plays a crucial role in refining our practices.

To stay updated on new initiatives, subscribe to our "Have Your Say" research group and contribute to shaping our services.

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Do you have general feedback about our website or services, or perhaps an idea for future "Have Your Say" consultations?

Provide feedback

Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas with us. We value your input in improving our services.