Client Service Charter

On this page

Our vision

We strive to be a firm and fair regulator and a world-class government service provider, delivering improved and equitable financial outcomes for consumers, business and the Australian community.

Who we are

AFSA is an executive agency in the Attorney-General’s portfolio. We manage the application of bankruptcy and personal property securities laws through the delivery of high-quality personal insolvency and trustee, regulation and enforcement, and personal property securities services.

Our purpose

Ensuring confidence in Australia's personal insolvency and personal property security systems.

Our goals

We deliver our purpose through our goals.

Goal 1: Foster confidence in the personal insolvency and securities programmes we administer.

Goal 2: Deliver value to support equitable financial outcomes for our clients.

Goal 3: Effective services which continually improve your interactions with us.

Goal 4: Quality information to empower clients and stakeholders to make informed decisions.

Specific qualitative and quantitative performance measures have been developed to ensure that we achieve our goals. Detailed information about our services and performance measures can be found in our corporate plan.

Our service commitments

Our service commitments support excellence in service delivery and complement the Australian Public Service Values and Code of Conduct.

What you can expect from us

Professionalism—we deliver our services fairly and effectively and treat you with courtesy and respect.

Responsiveness—we listen to you, meet agreed timeframes and respond appropriately to feedback and enquiries. We use this information to understand your needs and to drive innovation.

Easy access to services—we provide you with quick and easy access to the right services and publish relevant and consistent information to assist informed decision making.

Accountability—we are accountable for our decisions and actions. We aim to be a trusted partner to our stakeholders by delivering services to clients in a commercially sound and transparent way.

AFSA is committed to achieving and maintaining a high level of service for our clients. We strive to provide helpful information but cannot offer legal advice, legal interpretations or opinions.

Our services

Trustee services

Our comprehensive trustee services include providing practical information about options to deal with unmanageable debt and acting as trustee for personal insolvency administrations.

Enforcement and Practitioner Surveillance

Our key roles include regulating personal insolvency practitioners and investigating alleged Bankruptcy Act and Personal Property Securities Act (PPS Act) offences and where appropriate referring for prosecution.

Personal property securities

Our expertise allows us to deliver a range of services including responding to applications made under the PPS Act and providing sector specific information to assist users to effectively use the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR).

How you can help us

We strive to provide excellent service to our clients.

To assist us, we ask that you:

  • consult our comprehensive websites for relevant information
  • contact us if you need assistance with our information or services
  • provide feedback if our services are not performing as expected
  • adhere to the bankruptcy and personal property securities legislation and associated regulations
  • provide complete, timely and accurate information
  • allow us adequate time to respond to your requests
  • treat our staff with respect and courtesy.


We value your feedback as it helps us to understand your experience as well as assisting us to better meet your needs.

If you wish to provide feedback or lodge a complaint, you can do so:

  • by completing the online feedback form available on our website
  • through one of the channels outlined in the ‘How to contact us’ section of this publication.

Further information regarding AFSA’s complaint handling procedures can be found on our website.

Complaints about other industry professionals

If you are concerned about an action taken by a private bankruptcy trustee, debt agreement administrator, or other practitioner, you should read the Resolving complaints about trustees and administrators page on our website.

Other avenues for review of complaints

If you are not satisfied with the way in which your complaint has been dealt with, there may be other avenues for your complaint to be reviewed.

Type of enquiry Agency Phone
General complaint Commonwealth Ombudsman 1300362072
Where you believe your privacy rights have been infringed Office of the Australian Information Commissioner 1300363992
In certain specific circumstances where legislation allows Administrative Appeals Tribunal 1800228333

Review of trustee and administrator decisions

AFSA may review some decisions made by trustees and administrators. For further information about this process, please read the Can I appeal? page on our website.

How to contact us




Telephone: 1300 364 785

Personal Property Securities Register



Telephone: 1300 007 777 (1300 00 PPSR)

Hours of operation (AEST and AEDT)

Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.

National public holidays—closed.

Please check our website for office hours during the Christmas/New Year period.

Help in other languages

Information in languages other than English can be found on our website.

If you have difficulty speaking or understanding English, you may call the Translating and Interpretation Service (TIS) National on 131 450 for the cost of a local call.