Fees and charges

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All fees and charges are listed in Australian dollars (AUD).

All fees have been determined in accordance with Bankruptcy (Fees and Remuneration) Determination 2015 with effect from 1 July 2015 or the  Bankruptcy (Estate Charges) (Amount of Charge Payable) Determination 2015 with effect from 1 July 2015.

Service fees

All fees and charges are exempt from GST unless otherwise indicated.

Creditors' meetings

Publishing details of a notice of meeting of creditors on AFSA’s website $260 (includes GST)

Bankruptcy Register Search of the National Personal Insolvency Index (NPII)

Online self service search using Bankruptcy Register Search $15

Inspection of public documents

Inspecting a publicly-available document $45

Bankruptcy notice application

Application for a bankruptcy notice $470

The fee is charged for applying for a bankruptcy notice and is payable at the time of making the application. The fee is payable whether or not the Official Receiver issues the bankruptcy notice.

Application for extension of time for the service of a bankruptcy notice $160

Debt agreements

Debt agreement proposal lodgement fee $200

Personal insolvency agreements

Document processing fee (payable when controlling trustee authority is lodged with AFSA) $240

Overseas Travel

Overseas travel application fee $150

Official Receiver notice issued at a trustee’s request

Application for statutory notice $480 (excluding disbursements)

Taxation services

Taxation of a bill of costs in relation to the administration of an estate $50 per 15 minutes or part thereof (includes GST)
Taxation of a trustee’s remuneration in an estate $50 per 15 minutes or part thereof (includes GST)

This only applies to bankruptcies, Part X section 188 authorities and personal insolvency agreements that commenced prior to 1 December 2010. For arrangements after that date, see former Division 4 of the former Bankruptcy Regulations 1996.

Trustee and administrator registrations and renewals

Application to be registered as a trustee or debt agreement administrator $2,200
Initial registration $1,300
Renewal of registration (every 3 years) $1,700

Realisations charge

Realisations charge 7% of the money received by trustees and administrators in bankruptcies, debt agreements, compositions and personal insolvency agreements

Interest charge

Interest charge The interest earned net of bank charges

Administration fees

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST unless otherwise indicated

Administration of: Fee
Bankrupt estates $4,000 + 20% of money received.  Where a bankruptcy administration includes the management of a debtor's business, an additional fee of $62.50 per 15 minutes applies for time spent in managing the business.
Composition (s73 of the Bankruptcy Act) 20% of value of the proposal accepted by creditors. This fee is in addition to the fee (if any) for administering the bankruptcy.
Debt agreements 20% of value of the proposal accepted by creditors.
Controlling trustee authorities (s188 of the Bankruptcy Act) $62.50 per 15 minutes or part thereof.  This fee is in addition to the fee (if any) for administering the bankruptcy.
Personal insolvency agreements 20% of the value of the proposal accepted by creditors.
Pre-bankruptcy control orders (s50 of the Bankruptcy Act) $62.50 per 15 minutes or part thereof.

When we administer a bankruptcy

  • We will only be paid (in full or part) if money is received in the administration.
  • If we don't receive enough money to cover fees and expenses, the shortfall cannot be recovered from a bankrupt or creditors.
  • While a bankrupt may secure an annulment, our full fee and cost of the administration must still be paid.

Our fees for administering bankruptcies vary according to money received. For example, if we receive $10,000 in a bankruptcy; the fees will be $6,000 ($4,000 + 20% of $10 000).

There is one exception to this rule, namely where the bankruptcy is transferred by AFSA to another trustee or vice versa.

If the administration of the bankruptcy is transferred from AFSA or is transferred to AFSA, fees are determined on a time cost basis ($62.50 for 15 minutes or part thereof) for the period during which AFSA administers the estate.