Monthly personal insolvency statistics

On this page

AFSA releases monthly statistics on personal insolvencies in Australia to help understand the economic impacts of recent challenges including natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic.

These high-level monthly statistics allow AFSA to monitor changes in the insolvency landscape as recovery continues.

Comprehensive statistics are published quarterly – for more information, see Quarterly personal insolvency statistics.

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Monthly personal insolvencies

Graphs presenting the new personal insolvencies recorded for January 2024. To quickly grasp the figures, consult the summarized information provided below. For a more comprehensive breakdown, refer to the workbooks available on the Monthly Personal Insolvency Statistics page.

For more information, see our media release.


Further information about personal insolvencies in Australia is available in the workbooks below.

Monthly statistics time series

This workbook includes monthly records of personal insolvencies from July 2019 – separated by location, type of insolvency, and the industry they worked in (where it could be identified).

Monthly statistics time series

This workbook includes monthly records of personal insolvencies from July 2019 – including location, type of insolvency, and the industry they worked in (where it could be identified) – in a machine readable file.

Monthly statistics time series - temporary debt protections

This workbook includes monthly records of temporary debt protections from July 2019.