Have your say: AFSA’s Gambling policies

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AFSA has an important role to play in supporting people experiencing vulnerability. With many of our users already in financial distress when they enter our systems, the risk of vulnerability is higher – even without considering additional and compounding circumstances such as low literacy levels, mental illness and domestic violence.

We want users to have access to the right information, at the right time, with the right level of support to reflect their situation, via the right channel for them.

Our proposed vulnerability framework focuses on delivering world-class services to all our users, and providing extra support to those that need it.

Our six focus areas, listed below, will guide us in achieving this vision over the next three years. These areas of focus align with and complement existing initiatives already underway across AFSA and across government.

  1. Support our staff to support our users
  2. Use data to drive outcomes
  3. Support informed decision making
  4. Collaborate across sectors to provide support
  5. Provide streamlined processes and inclusive channels
  6. Have a holistic view of users


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