AFSA Forms

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Form type

Form 18 - notice of special resolution. Trustees can use this form to notify AFSA of a special resolution passed relating to a composition or PIA.

Form 12 - trustee consent to act declaration. A form for trustees to consent to act as sole, joint and joint & several trustees.

Form 11 - application for change of conditions on practising as a registered trustee (RT). A form for changing conditions as a practising registered trustee.

Form 10 - application for registration as a trustee. Use this form to apply for registration as a trustee in bankruptcy.

Form 9 - notice of demand. A form notifying a debtor of demand for payment.

Form 4 - statement of affairs (SOA) under Part XI (deceased estates).

Form 2 - trustee’s account of receipts and payments. A form for accounting for receipts and payments.